청소년들의 스마트폰 중독예방을 위한 이야기치료 집단상담 프로그램 개발
Development of Narrative Therapy Group Counseling Program for Prevention of Adolescents' Smartph
Smartphone Addiction Prevention, Adolescent, Narrive Therapy
Smartphone Addiction Prevention, Adolescent, Narrive Therapy
In Ho Choi, Mi Jung Jang, and Da Mi Lee
This study developed a smartphone addiction prevention program for adolescents based on narrative therapy. Its purpose was to examine the effectiveness of the narrative therapy program, and the way adolescents changethe application of the narrative therapy counseling technique. The study was conducted over a total of 90minute 8sessions, and it consisted of 11 participants separated into a test group and a control group. To verify the effectiveness of the program, pretest and posttests were performed on the two groups. The results of the study were as follows. The test group showed a significant change in tolerance, in the disturbance of adaptive functions, and in withdrawal on the smartphone addiction proneness scale. Thus, narrative therapy enabled positive changes in adolescents
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