How To Generate .ngc File In Xilinx
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Data file generated by Xilinx ISE, an application used for creating and testing electronic circuit designs; contains a Xilinx-specific "netlist," which includes the logical design data and constraints for the circuit; used for storing the constructed, or "synthesized," design, which can be passed on for design implementation (e.g., generating .NGD and .BIT files).
NGC files are generated using Xilinx Synthesis Technology (XST), an application included with the Xilinx ISE suite that synthesizes Hardware Description Language (HDL) designs into Xilinx-specific netlists. Example input HDL file format include Verilog (.V) files and VHDL (.VHD) files.
I am trying to implement a custom IPCore for the Zedboard. In my User_Logic I am including a component (My_Module) from the VHDL module (My_Module.vhd) which I wrote as part of the ISE project. But when I come to generate the bitstream for my design in PlanAhead it asks for the My_Module.ngc as if it is treating it as a blackbox. I though the NGC was only required when using CoreGen IPCores, but it seems it also wants it for any VHDL module included as I guess this is a 'black box'.
The issue is how do I create a NGC file from the VHDL for this module, which is part of an ISE project. As I can't find any function in ISE that allows you to just generate the netlist for one VHDL module. Or can I export this module out into a separate ISE project and then synthesise it to get the .ngc?
Under normal circumstances, if your project includes the module as a .vhd file, it'll just be synthesized along with the rest of your sources - I did a quick test and renamed a component in one of my own projects, and got a complaint about a possibly missing .ngc file (this was in ISE, and not in PlanAhead though).
So the answer is to generate the NGC files by making the modules you want "the top module" you can then run the synthesis to generate the individual NGC. Then proceed as normal when adding IP to a PCore. So adding these NGC files to the netlist folder and modifying the BBD file and all that!
In 6.111, we will be using the Xilinx supplied synthesis engine known as XST. XST takes as input a verilog (.v) file and generates a .ngc file. A synthesis report file (.srp) is also generated, which describes the logic inferred for each part of the HDL file, and often includes helpful warning messages.
The .ngc file is then converted to an .ngd file. (This step mostly seems to be necessary to accommodate different design entry methods, such as third-part synthesis tools or direct schematic entry. Whatever the design entry method, the result is an .ngd file.)
The design is then placed and routed, meaning that the resources described in the .ncd file are then assigned specific locations on the FPGA, and the connections between the resources are mapped into the FPGAs interconnect network. The delays associated with interconnect on a large FPGA can be quite significant, so the place and route process has a large impact on the speed of the design. The place and route engine attempts to honor timing constraints that have been added to the design, but if the constraints are too tight, the engine will give up and generate an implementation that is functional, but not capable of operating as fast as desired. Be careful not to assume that just because a design was successfully placed and routed, that it will operate at the desired clock rate.
To generate .NGC files, you have to use NeoPop or any other software indicated below. Software for Linux, Mac, and Windows can be downloaded from official stores. .NGC file editor download is also available on its official web page. To learn more about .NGC file launcher and its alternatives, visit the program official web page.
To generate .NGC files, you have to use Koyote or any other software listed below. You can download programs for Linux, Mac, and Windows from official sources. You can also get .NGC file maker from its official web page. To learn more about .NGC file launcher and its alternatives, visit the program official web site.
Query1. Which versions of Xilinx ISE (to be installed in PC for generating .ngc file) are compatible with Labview 2011.1(with Xilinx 12.4 Compiler tools)? Can any version be used up to 12.4?
Actually the key was that; XML utility of Labview 2011 when generates .xml file, it does not include names of verilog modules and sub-modules in its "Implementation list". That's why Labview compiler always considered "verilog instant" in VHDL Wrapper as a Black-box, and consequently translation and mapping failed.
NGC contains a list generated by XPS that stores project information. NGC project files can be used in design analysis and simulation processes. Xillinx software is used for designing embedded devices (from simple state machines to more complex 32-bit RISC processors).
You should also copy the pre-synthesized files (*.ngc) that you use into your project directory. You do not need to copy module files that you are not using. The .ngc files will then be used by the Xilinx tools during the Translate step in order to completely build the FPGA configuration file. You do not need to add the .ngc files to your ISE project.
Open .do macro file located in your main ISE project directory and replace the reference to microblaze_0_wrapper.vhd with the file that we generated above microblaze_0_wrapper_netlist.vhd (likewise for Verilog designs).
Now, we need to add the files necessary to implement FrontPanel capability in the FPGA design. These include a Verilog or VHDL file (okLibrary.v) and several pre-synthesized modules (*.ngc). The HDL file needs to be added to the project. The pre-synthesized modules can simply be placed in the project directory; the Xilinx tools will find and use them during the appropriate steps during build.
For example, if a third-party IP is targeted at Xilinx FPGA, then the IP provided will be .ngc file. You can integrate this file with your project and instantiate it as a component in the top level to interconnect with other modules, and then proceed with synthesis.
Xilinx Coregen-generated IP cores (like FIFO, shift registers and memory interface cores) can be grouped into the firm IP core category. You have to include .ngc/.xco in the project directory (for Xilinx), and specify the instantiation in the top file. Instantiated components can be moved around within the FPGA to meet performance and timing.
NGCGUI_PREAMBLE = in_std.ngc - the preamble file to be added in front of the subroutines. When concatenating several common subroutine invocations, this preamble is only added once. For mm-based machines, use mm_std.ngc
An NGCGUI-compatible subfile contains a single subroutine definition. The nameof the subroutine must be the same as the filename (not including the .ngcsuffix). LinuxCNC supports named or numbered subroutines, but only namedsubroutines are compatible with NGCGUI. For more information see theO-Codes Chapter.
An optional image file (.png,.gif,.jpg,.pgm) can accompany a subfile. Theimage file can help clarify the parameters used by the subfile. The image fileshould be in the same directory as the subfile and have the same name with anappropriate image suffix, e.g. the subfile example.ngc could be accompanied by animage file examp.png. Ngcgui attempts to resize large images by subsamplingto a size with maximum width of 320 and maximum height of 240 pixels.
Files for the Gcode-meta-compiler (gcmc) are read by ngcgui and itcreates entry boxes for variables tagged in the file. When a featurefor the file is finalized, ngcgui passes the file as input to the gcmccompiler and, if the compile is successful, the resulting gcode fileis sent to linuxCNC for execution. The resulting file is formatted assingle-file subroutine; .gcmc files and .ngc files can be intermixedby ngcgui.
Note: There is a problem mapping the MIG in ISE. In short, the tools do not see the MIG generated UCF file. This issue can be solved by following the flow found here. The digilent support thread associated with this issue is here.
I want to use ram2ddrxadc.ngc file which is in ddr-to-sram pack. I think, that if i want to use netlist i do not need to use MIG project because all MIG generated stuff is packed into netlist file of the ddr-to-sram component (I hope so).In my main module i did something like:
Oh in that case, try deleting your MIG.ucf file since the .ngc should constrain the ddr pinouts. The .UCF is useful when you go through the MIG yourself and have to specify the ports used. I personally have never used the .ngc file so I dont know this for sure. I in the past have just gone through the wizard.
During the hands-on session of this tutorial you will become familiar and try out most of the steps involved in setting up and using the ProtoFlex Simulator. Some time-consuming steps will be omitted. Such steps are marked with SKIP in their title. For instance instead of going through the lengthy and automated process of generating the FPGA bitstream, we will directly provide you with pre-generated files. More details on the ProtoFlex Simulator can be found in the User Guide. Below is a time line highlighting the basic steps we will be going through. Note, any steps that are marked with CLICK should be followed through. 2b1af7f3a8