몰입 관점에서 캐주얼 게임과 소셜 네트워크 게임의 성공 요인
An Analysis on the Success Condition of Casual Game and Social Network Game from an Immersion View
Social Network Game, Mobile, Casual Game
Social Network Game, Mobile, Casual Game
Hyeon-Woo Nam
Recently, the online and mobile game markets are enjoying a boom due to the wide use of the smartmedia, while the traditional video games have lost their popularities. While the use of the smartmedia based game increased, the game development companies participated directly in the circulation through the app market or the social platform. And, the competition of the related companies is expanded to the IT industry and SNS provider. As the success of the casual game led the development of online game industry, the social network game leads the development of mobile game industry along with the appearance of the smartmedia. In this paper, we analyze the key to success of the casual game represented by the Maple Story and Kart Rider and the social network game represented by the Anipang and Dragon Flight. From that, we drew the key to success that must have the succeeded game from the immersion view and we can provide some valuable strategies to the game company to succeed with the social network game.
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