영상의 흐름을 기반으로 한 게임 영상 수채화 렌더링
A Flow-based Watercolor Rendering on Game Backgrounds
water coloring, portrait, abstraction, flow, game backgrounds
water coloring, portrait, abstraction, flow, game backgrounds
Jeong Yeon Ahn, Heekyoung Yang, and Kyungha Min
We present a flow-based watercolor rendering scheme for game background images. Our scheme is composed of two stages: a flow-based abstraction stage, which is followed by a noise-based water coloring stage. In the abstrction stage, we apply a 3D Sobel filter to accelerate the abstraction process. The abstracted image is then applied a Perl in noise-based water coloring process to produce watercolor effects. Finally, we apply paper texture to improve the realism of the results. Among various categories of photographs, our scheme shows good results on portraits, which is a common background of game scene. We apply our scheme for several game backgrounds and produce visually pleasing watercolor effects them.