자연스런 손동작 인터렉션과 후마네트 운동을 접목한 노인성 뇌질환 예방 기능성 게임기술
A Serious Game Preventing Elderly People from Brain Illness using Natural Finger Interaction Enhancement and Fumanet Exercise
Leap-Motion, Natural user interaction, Finger interaction, brain illness, serious game
Leap-Motion, Natural user interaction, Finger interaction, brain illness, serious game
Wonsun Lee, and Seongah Chin
In this paper, we present a serious game that can prevent elderly people from brain illness using natural finger interaction and Fumanet exercise. As population of elderly people has continually grown in our society, brain illness like dementia can be naturally observed, which makes treatment cost up rapidly. Hence, we propose Leap-Motion based serious game for elderly people, which uses natural finger motions to interact with game contents. In our approach, we enhance finger motion recognition rate by adding auxiliary conditions that is superior to ordinary Leap-Motion APIs. Finally, we have also carried out user study and quantitative analysis to verify our methods.
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