아이트래킹을 이용한 게임 인터페이스에 대한 이용자의 시각적 주의 연구
Exploring the Game Player's Visual Attention to the Game Interface using Eye-Tracking Method
Eye tracking, Game interface, Game Genre, Game POV, Proficiency
Eye tracking, Game interface, Game Genre, Game POV, Proficiency
Sohye Lim
This study employed the eye-tracking method to investigate the nature of game players' visual attention on the game's GUI(graphic user interface) elements during game play. The genre of the game (shooting and driving games), the points of view of the game (1st person vs. 3rd person POV), and the game player's proficiency were taken into account to examine their effects on the game player's visual attention. A within-between subject experimental study was conducted (N=26). The results illustrate that the game genre was not a meaningful predictor for neither the frequency or the total duration of visual element per interface element. The point of view had a significant main effect on the game player's frequent change of their eye movement across different elements. The proficiency of game player's gaming skill significantly altered the game player's frequency and duration of visual attention. Proficient gamers were more efficient in distributing their visual attention across various elements of the GUI.
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