Avr Jtagice Mkii Drivers For Mac __TOP__
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The RZ USB Stick needs to be plugged in the PC you will run the demo on. If you plan to run the demo on a Windows PC, you will need to install drivers once contiki is loaded on the stick. Until then, you can exit any driver installation popup.
To serve as a suitable alternative to Atmel Studio I need both compilation, uploading and debugging to integrate nicely with CLion. Furthermore, I wanted to be able to use the Atmel Software Framework to have access to an enormous resource of services, drivers and examples.
Connect your JTAG debugger as follows. Note that in the example here aSparkFun !BusPirate breakout cable is being connected to a JTAGICEmkii-CN. Your wire colours may vary; use the following table as a guide:
I think it's not installed properly - but why not? I downloaded the files and used the Device Manager to specify the folder containing all the different drivers (didn't know which one was right). Was this correct, or is there a better way to go about the process?
Select Build/Build Nut/OS from the main menu. This time the build process may succeed. Or it may fail again at a different location. In our Nut/OS x.y.z preview, the ImageCraft Compiler indeed failed to compile the UART driver arch/avr/uartavr.c. The good news is, that this driver isn't really required either. Most samples use the Debug Output Driver or the newer USART drivers (note the additional letter S),
Switching between the pre-emptive and co-operative RTOS kernelsSet the definition configUSE_PREEMPTION within FreeRTOSConfig.h to 1 to use pre-emption or 0to use co-operative. The demo application will only execute correctly with configUSE_PREEMPTION set to 0 if configIDLE_SHOULD_YIELD is set to 1.Compiler optionsAs with all the ports, it is essential that the correct compiler options are used. The best way to ensure this is to base yourapplication on the provided demo application files.Memory allocationSource/Portable/MemMang/heap_3.c is included in the AVR32 demo application project to provide the memoryallocation required by the RTOS kernel.Please refer to the Memory Management section of the API documentation forfull information.Serial port driverIt should also be noted that the serial drivers are written to test some of the real time kernel features - and they are notintended to represent an optimized solution.lwIP Embedded TCP/IP exampleThe embedded Ethernet example uses the FreeRTOS GCC and IAR ports described above. The build, download, debug and configuration instructions documented above for thestandard demo are also relevant for the TCP/IP example. This section provides some additional information that is specific to the TCP/IP example only.Source Code OrganizationThe makefile/project file for the embedded TCP/IP example is located in the FreeRTOS/Demo/lwIP_AVR32_UC3/GCC or FreeRTOS/Demo/lwIP_AVR32_UC3/IAR directory for GCC and IAR respectively.The makefile provides the same facilities as thosedescribed for the standard demo.TCP/IP Software SetupThe IP address used by the demo is set by the constants emacIPADDR0 to emacIPADDR3 within the file FreeRTOS/Demo/lwIP_AVR32_UC3Demo/conf_eth.h.The IP addresses used by the web browser computer and the prototyping board must be compatible. This can be ensured by making the first three octets of bothIP addresses identical. For example, if the web browser computer uses IP address, then the prototyping board can be given any address in the range192.168.100.2 to (barring any addresses already present on the network).conf_eth.h also contains constants to configure the MAC address, gateway address and network mask. The MAC address must be unique for the networkon which the development board is to be connected.Hardware SetupConnect the EVK1100 prototyping board to a computer running a web browser either directly using a point to point (crossover) cable, or via a hub/router using astandard Ethernet cable. The prototyping board may also allow the use of a standard Ethernet cable when connecting point to point, but I have not tested thisconfiguration.Demo Application FunctionalityLED Flash TasksThe demo application includes the standard flash tasks (as described for the standard demo application above). This provides visual feedback that the demo is running.Web ServerThe EVK1100 will serve a web page containing FreeRTOS task information to a standard web browser. The page will automatically update every few seconds.To connect to the target:Open a web browser on the connected computer.Type "HTTP://" followed by the target IP address into the browsers address bar.Entering the IP address into the web browser(obviously use the correct IP address for your system)TFTP ServerThe basic TFTP server permits a single small file to be sent to, then retrieved from the demo application. Below is the output from an example TFTP session that sends then receivesthe file samplefile.txt to an EVK1100 running with IP address C:tftp put samplefile.txt Transfer successful: 19 bytes in 1 second, 19 bytes/s C:>tftp get samplefile.txt Transfer successful: 19 bytes in 1 second, 19 bytes/s C:> 2b1af7f3a8