There are many purposes for the special pen. You can offer them in regular postal mail pieces for target promoting; you can use them at career expos, and in any event, for advertising in everyday purposes. A few organizations really accept that a limited time pen is superior to a business card as the conventional finance manager has numerous business cards. It's undeniably true that a bulk pens with logo business card can become mixed up in the mix in the event that it doesn't have something on it to make it stick out. See however that on the off chance that you are doing this, you might in any case need to give a business card the limited time pen. It is in every case preferable to be protected over heartbroken.
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Paper Archives
Publication : Korean Society for Computer Game
Paper Archives
⊙Journal of the Korean Society for Computer Game
ISSN : 2288 - 5528 (Online)
ISSN : 1976 - 6513 (Print)
Publication : Korean Society for Computer Game
All of the papers below are provided free of charge. If you would like to submit the paper to the Journal, please use it after signing up as a member through the 'Join' button on the top right of the website.
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