Magic Of Radionics Pdf Download UPD
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Another experiment performed by Thomas Townsend Brown anAmerican physicist in the 19th century has confirmed thispossibility with his famous double-slit experiment. He was able toshow that when a photon passed through a double slit and hit amatter detector it left a distinct mark in the detector, justas if it had passed through a single slit. This implies thatlight passing through a double slit behaves like a particle but caninfluence the observed path of a particle much as a consciousperson would. This experiment has been repeated around the world bymany other physicists. The more experiments that are performedwith this technique, the more the evidence is piling up that light andelectromagnetic energy are not particles but waves. Light is acosmic wave that is propagated through space and its waves carryinformation about everything it passes by, from the speed oflight to the electrical charge of everything. Many theories have beenproposed, such as energy fields, pixies, and angels; but none ofthem are really satisfactory. I believe that the above experimentstell us that the universe is more of an ocean of energy thana sea of matter. And that everything that is and has ever been inour universe is contained within this sea of energy. Einstein painedthat this makes no sense and that matter is the only substance in ouruniverse that we have any direct knowledge about. They believethat this sea of energy is a solid body that goes through the galaxiesand galaxies go through this body. The body knows all there is toknow about everything and is the very substance of knowledge. It isthis body that has a consciousness. Is this body alive? No, it isnot a living thing. It is a type of universal mind that is the mostimportant component of our universe. Its like a cosmic mind and itallows all the magic and psychic powers to exist. It is thisuniverse that we are made up of that allows us to be aware of ourselvesand of the universe around us. It is the very substance of our mind.If we understand this amazing power that we have inside of us wecan use it to develop other powers. This is possible because it is notlike a force in the way that gravity is a force. Its a form of energythat permeates everything and knows everything. This fact allows usto tap into it and bring about amazing things through the use ofour will and imagination. By harnessing this power we can achieveanything we want to.
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