Extreme Script Editor 111 Download =LINK=
DOWNLOAD - https://urluss.com/2tdHdj
I've got the lovely task of working out how to handle large files being loaded into our application's script editor (it's like VBA for our internal product for quick macros). Most files are about 300-400 KB which is fine loading. But when they go beyond 100 MB the process has a hard time (as you'd expect).
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Great to know it's not my imagination though - thank you for the heads up. Otherwise, I'm also unsure how to go about this. Our users are able to make these files if need be - however the demand is on the small files - it's these files I'm specifically interested in.
Does anyone have an answer to this - I can't imagine it being the user's fault as there is no check box for uploading large files and we have no notification in the control panel to tell them that their script is too big. If the script was off limits that would be a great start. d2c66b5586