The Measures ((INSTALL)) Full Movie Download In Italian
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The European Economic and Social Committee adopted the own initiative opinion Beyond GDP measures for a successful recovery and a sustainable and resilient EU economy. EESC proposes that a series of new indicators be developed to complement GDP and help with the transition. A concise scoreboard should be designed and integrated into the European Green Deal and the EU economic governance framework. A set of indicators needs to be devised to track, monitor and evaluate the "greening" of financing, and existing indicators tracking climate change should be revised. The EESC also considers that the Member States should give priority to using some of the indicators proposed by the UN, but also act on the proposals set out by the OECD. It is essential too that the EC and the Member States support initiatives to measure well-being more effectively and analyse the impact of economic activities on the environment. Finally, society's perception of how the economic model is being changed should be tracked by further surveys. This report follows an event in November, organised by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) investigating what measures other than gross domestic product (GDP) could help the EU recover successfully and build a sustainable and resilient economy.
During the transition period the main reference index for monetary policy will remain the current HICP. This transition period will last until the OOHPI has reached the standards of timeliness and quality necessary for full integration into the monthly HICP. In the meantime, recognising that the full inclusion of owner-occupied housing in the HICP is a multi-year project, the Governing Council will, for the purpose of its monetary policy assessments, include inflation measures that take into account initial estimates of the cost of owner-occupied housing in its wider set of supplementary inflation indicators. 2b1af7f3a8