HDRI를 이용한 Unity 환경 기반의 셰이더 애셋 생성 시스템
Shader Asset Generating System for Unity using High Dynamic Range Images
360 VR, high-dynamic range image, real-time shader, game engine
360 VR, high-dynamic range image, real-time shader, game engine
Cheol Won Lee, Cheung Woon Jho, Kyung Hyun Yoon
Omni-directional high dynamic range images are used in image-based lightingenvironment mapping. In game development environment high dynamic images can be used with shader assets. Recently various 360 VR camera systems are produced which can capture omni-directional images or video images without extra image stitching. In game development environment, shader assets or assets for shaders can be made along very time-consuming complex processes. In this paper, we proposed more simple and autonomous conversion system which can use directly in Unity.
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