게임 하드웨어 플랫폼의 선호도에 따른 게임 디자인종류와 게임 미디어 선호도에 대한 연구: PC 플랫폼 중심으로
A Study on Player Satisfaction in Game Design, Game Media Factors by Gaming Platform: focused on PC Platform
Game Design, PC, Hardware, Platform, Game media
Game Design, PC, Hardware, Platform, Game media
Sang Hyun Ahn, Hyun Do Park, and Gyu Hwan Oh
While Comparing the development direction between the gaming platform and the game soft7ware, we can find the figure out that growing selection of game media devices and expansion of game design factors. Our objective is proofing the relationships about these predictions based on the data analysis. In the process, we procure base sources while searching data on the other journals, define the game design factors we use. And then, collect user data to measure the user satisfaction about these factors by using the survey method. And finally, get the effective relationships from these user data about the game design factors and game media factors according to the gaming platform. As a result, this research maybe useful for grading game design factors going about gaming platform. And the user or developer can refer it as a essential guideline to enter the game market effectively.
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