게임 이용자의 사회적 자본과 자기 효능감이 게임 과몰입에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
The Effects of Gamers’ Social Capital and Self-Efficacy on Gaming Addiction
game addiction, bonding social capital, bridging social capital, game self-efficacy, life self-efficacy
game addiction, bonding social capital, bridging social capital, game self-efficacy, life self-efficacy
Hye Lim Lee, Eui Jun Jeong
Research into gaming addiction has steadily increased over the last decade, although relatively little research has examined the relationship between gaming addiction and social capital in addition self-efficacy. This study examined the relationship between a number of underlying factors(social capital, self-efficacy, depression, users perception toward gaming, daily gaming time, and demographic variables) and gaming addiction. Following previous research, we are divided in two factors for our main study: 1) Social capital -Bonding social capital vs. Bridging social capital 2) Self-efficacy- Game self-efficacy vs. Life self-efficacy in the gaming addiction context. Data were collected over a 2 weeks period using an online sample of 789 participants range from 16 to 59 years old, and consist of 395 males and 394 females. The results of a correlation and regression analysis did demonstrate our expectation. Bonding social capital negatively influences gaming addiction while bridging social capital positively influences gaming addiction. Furthermore, there was a significant and strong influence of game and life self-efficacy on gaming addiction. The significance of these findings for understanding the link between gaming addiction and underlying factors is discussed.
Page 229-236