어포던스를 적용한 아동용 게임디자인 개발
A development of game design for children, applied by affordance
Kid's Game, Affordance, Norman, Design, Cognitive
Kid's Game, Affordance, Norman, Design, Cognitive
Dong Jo Kim, Jin Hyung Park and Hyung Gi Kim
Recently, studies on affordance are continuously conducted in design field. Based on the studies on user's ecological psychology, it is applied from the stage of design development and design of all sectors. Design developers analyze various factors such as user's experience, cognition, ecology, experience, etc. and bring what are shown in results as main issues. Game design also requires user's needs, so application possibility of affordance is necessary. Particularly, studies on cognitive and definitive behavior of children must be preceded in the development of game design for children. In this moment, it must be applied as an interaction design with cognitive, physical, functional and sensory necessities of affordance. This research intends to analyze factors of affordance which can be applied to develop game design for children and draw final results by applying them actively.
Page 227-233