Lynne Mctaggart The Intention Experiment Pdf LINK Free 34
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A total of 3,000 people came to McTaggart's seminars, and on average they lasted 2.5 hours. The essence of McTaggart's teaching is the use of the dialogue method to discover and evolve intention. During this process people tend to be free of inhibitions and will say things that they might not have said in ordinary conversation.
Intentions arise from what you do. What you do is the result of your opinions and mental habits. Your beliefs and desires affect your physical actions. But you also have an effect on your beliefs and desires later. That is, you are the creator of your own'behavior'. The first job of the dialogue group is to isolate what each person believes and wants. This can be done through asking direct questions (which are then clarified or elaborated), and through listening.
For example, one person's belief is that she is thinking of going to the conversation party on Saturday, and another's is that she is thinking of buying a new car. This, of course, may not be what they both want at that moment, and it is not necessary that they do what they think of doing, but they both have this intention - to go or to buy a car.
If we now believe and want the opposite, then not much will have happened - except that we have made an attempt to get the result we do not want. If we are brave and try something new we will realize that we can have more than one intention. For example a person might believe and want to go to the party and at the same time, believe and want not to. The thing is that, when you believe and want something, you create the intention to go to the party. And that is enough of an intention to make the body go to the party.
She shows mean shifts of +1.66 per cent in the direction of her target private key over the course of the experiment. That is, if a particular subject sent any given thought, that thought was more likely than not to agree that the target's private key is relatively more handsome than the subject's own, which is precisely what we would expect from Hypothesis 1. d2c66b5586