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Many conductive materials are composed of atoms or molecules containing between one and many extra electrons. When a charge, such as an electron, moves through a material, a "current" (also known as "flow of electrons") flows through the material. In most metals, the current is found to flow in one direction, or in one sense, determined by the direction of the current flow.
The direction in which the current flows has significant implications for the direction in which the charges on the surface of the metal move as photons of light strike the surface, and thus changes the phase of the light. For example, in the image on the right, the direction of the current flow in the conductive surface (left) causes the surface to emit the light, and as a result, the light (right) reflects off the surface and scatters to other parts of the surface (top).
When the charges on the surface of the metal move in the same direction as the charge of the incident photons, the result is a constructive (a joint) interference of the light waves. This causes the surface to emit and scatter light in all directions. In the opposite case, the current on the surface causes the opposing charges on the surface to repel each other, resulting in a destructive interference of the light waves. This causes the surface to emit light into mostly one direction, and as a result, the light scatters off the surface into only a few directions. (It is likely that you are familiar with a constructive and destructive interference of light waves.)
When the electrons on the surface surface are moving in the same direction of the current of the incident photons as the electrons from the current, the result is a constructive interference of the light. This causes the surface to scatter light in a wide variety of directions. In the case of a destructive interference, the surface emitted light only into a few directions and did not scatter in any other directions.
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