개인정보침해에 대한 인식과 모바일 게임광고 이용태도가 모바일 게임 프로모션 광고 이용에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
A Study on the Impact of Apprehension for Privacy concern and Attitude for Social Network Game Advertisement on the Use of Promotion Advertisement of SNG
Social Nework Game promotion advertisement, Privacy concern, attention, annoyingness, usefulness, credibility
Social Nework Game promotion advertisement, Privacy concern, attention, annoyingness, usefulness, credibility
Jung Hwa Chae, and Yeong Ju Lee
This study aims to examine what factors affect the use of promotion advertisement of Social Network Game(SNG). The results show that the user's age has significant impact on privacy concern. The user's sex and SNG time don't make a difference to privacy concern. Privacy concern has an influence on the advertising attitude of SNG user's. As user had more privacy concern, user has lower attention and credibility, higher annoyingness. User's perception for usefulness, credibility of mobile game advertising and SNG time are proved to be effective factors on the use of SNG promotion advertisement.
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