온라인을 통한 소설 교육 학습 모델: EDGE 학습 모델 설계를 중심으로
Design of EDGE(E-learning Design for Going through Effectively a novel on literature class) learning model
Literary education, Online education, EDGE learning model
Literary education, Online education, EDGE learning model
Myoung-Lang Lee
From the end of 2000, the era of full-fledged remote college education has opened and online education is evolving rapidly. However, the liberal literary education takes place in cyberspace university level, in most cases, is staying general education. In this paper, we designed EDGE (E-learning Design for Go through effectively a novel on literature class, EDGE) learning model to teach novel using the characteristics of literary education and online education. EDGE learning model proposed in this paper, students can hosts lecture spaces to get in-depth understanding of the literature, can have a variety of literary experience and can interact each other actively. Future research includes developing unique online teaching type which enables literature concept delivering and teaching creative writing simultaneously.
Page 211-219