Lesson 6 Homework Practice Select An Appropriate Display
LINK ::: https://urlca.com/2tcDHM
In this module, we will focus on the way in which procedures and treatments can be described most effectively in Spanish. We will start by learning different expressions that are used to add details when explaining how a certain treatment or procedure should be done. In particular, you will learn different ways to talk about the manner, the time, and the amount or frequency. You will hear some of them used in an authentic context. To end the lesson, we will review adverbial expressions of location, which you will be able to use in many situations. Then, you will expand your vocabulary with basic names for drug groups (e.g. analgesic) and their different presentation (e.g. drops). In the third lesson, we will discuss how collaboration is apparent during consultations where there is a good relationship between the health provider and the patient. Two examples you will hear are overlaps while speaking and shared laughter. In this lesson, you will also learn different strategies you can use to adapt your speech -i.e. your register- to your patient. In fact, being able to change your register to match that of your interlocutor -when necessary and appropriate- will make your communication more effective. d2c66b5586