FPS 게임을 위한 클라이언트 서버 제작 연구
Study on the Development of Client and Server for the FPS game
FPS, Racing, Online Game, Client, Server
FPS, Racing, Online Game, Client, Server
HyoungGu Lee, SungJin Heo
This paper introduces the implementation of client and server for the FPS game which adopts the control element of the racing genre. Game playability is enhanced by combining the users interaction, shooting elements of FPS and the car control element of racing game. User’s tank can move along the slope and the client can stably synchronize with server independently of hardware. By deploying the neutral monster, game excitement is raised. Game server is designed using the IOCP socket to provide the multiplayer game. The proposed game is implemented, and shows the effectiveness of the combining method.
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The two networking protocols we'll cover in this section are the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), which are both the two most commonly used protocols in online networked sports (UDP). Both protocols facilitate contact between windows client in a network environment.
FPS game that doesn't use dedicated servers. Are there any good console FPS games right now that use dedicated servers?