다중 렌더 타겟을 사용하는 지연 렌더링 환경에서 3D 게임 시각적 효과 기법 비교 분석
Comparison of 3D Game Visual Effect Techniques based on Deferred Rendering using Multiple Render Targets
Deferred Rendering, Multiple Render Target, Light, Shadow, Specula, Motion Blur, Water Shading
Deferred Rendering, Multiple Render Target, Light, Shadow, Specula, Motion Blur, Water Shading
Dongryul Lee, Youngsik Kim
In 3D games, the deferred rendering is an effective way in processing realistic visual effects using multiple render targets regardless of the scene complexity. In this paper, based on deferred rendering using multiple render targets, the 3D game visual effect techniques such as dynamic lights, specular, shadow, motion blur, and water shading are compared and analysed. The 3D game supporting deferred rendering is developed to evaluate various 3D rendering effects with variation of the size of the render target memory in terms of the rendering speed. The performance results show that the rendering speed of the 3D visual effect techniques with 4bytes render target memory is average 1.4 and 1.9 times better than those of 8bytes and 16bytes memories, respectively. Also, the shadow mapping with 2-pass plays the biggest role on the performance. Other techniques with 1-pass cause a negligible speed degradation.
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