게임 콘텐츠 개발을 위한 손금 인식 기술 연구
Palm Lines Recognition for Development of Game Contents
Hough Transform, Histogram, Active ContourModel, Palmreading, Palm Lines Recognition
Hough Transform, Histogram, Active ContourModel, Palmreading, Palm Lines Recognition
Jinbeum Jang, Youngsang Lim, Ilehwan Yoo, Dongyeon Hwang, Kyungha Min
We present a palm recognition system that can be used for developing an interactive amusement including game contents. The first step of our system is to capture palm photographs using web camera and to extract hand region using YCbCr color transformation and the active contour model. In the second, we build a template that formulates the conditions for recognizing palm lines. We apply Hough transform to the hand region to extract line information and match the extracted lines with the template to recognize palm lines. We further build a series of fortunetelling stories that match the shape and organization of palm lines to complete the amusement system based on palm recognition
Page 187-193